Oli Pop

OLI POP (aka Wally Pop)is a DJ, and also, a keen wildlife observer.

He’s always constantly unimpressed by Dr StrangeGlove, but has an eye for the beautiful ladies.

Also known in some quarters as Wally-pop, but that’s only so that he can avoid copyright on his own name.

We’re currently searching for a suitable image of Mr Pop, but its proving very difficult as he is so blasted small.

UPDATE: Found one… there he is, below, middle left!

Team Custa & Team StrangeGlove by the stellar Mychailo Kazybrid.

  • Front Row- Sia, Brok, Dr StrangeGlove.
  • Middle Row- Wally Pop, Mr Custa, Fly, Miss Fitt.
  • Back Row- Marigold Man, Evilone, Red, Lee B, Dr Stratagem.